Friday, August 25, 2017

10 Essential Items You Should Bring on Every Hike With Your Kids.

Spokane is a vibrant city with so many different things to do. Living in the Inland Northwest, there are thousands of miles of easy and difficult hiking trails all over. There’s no better way to spend time with your family than going on a few outdoor adventures with them. As you start to plan a family outing, here are 10 essential items you should pack when hiking with your kids:  

1.     Backpack. You’ll want to bring a sturdy backpack to carry a few items on your hike. This will make it more convenient for you to hike.

2.     Water. Bring plenty of water on your hikes as it can be easy for you and your kids to become dehydrated at any time, especially in warmer weather. Hydration backpacks have become very popular as it makes drinking water more convenient while you’re hiking.

3.     Food/Snacks. Granola bars or trail mix are popular choices for quick snacks on the go. They are easy to carry and easy to eat as you continue your journey. Depending on the length of the trip, snacks or sandwiches  are good to have during breaks.   

4.     Appropriate Footwear. Comfortable footwear is important when hiking for protection and comfort. Even if you are going on an easy, kid-friendly hike, you don’t want your kids in sandals or flip-flops.

5.     Tissues/Wet Wipes. These are good to use in many different occasions. To clean dirty hands, to clean off a wound, and to blow your nose.

6.     Phone/Camera. You know you will want to capture pictures of your kids in the outdoors throughout your hiking adventures. Be sure to bring along your phone or camera to catch every moment of your fun-filled outing.

7.     Frist-Aid Kit. Accidents happen, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you have supplies for minor and major injuries. Be sure to pack pain and allergy medication in child doses.

8.     Extra Shoes and Clothes. If your kids get muddy or wet during their hike, they’ll be happy to come back to clean clothes and shoes. This will also help you keep your vehicle nice and clean after the hike.

9.     Sunscreen. Sun protection is very important anytime you are outdoors. You never know when the sun will peak out and shine on you. Protecting your child from sun damage will make the trip more enjoyable for all.

10.  Insect Repellant. Bugs are everywhere and this can upset the little ones, especially when dealing with mosquitos. Keep a travel-size can handy just in case.


As you read our list of important items to bring, take time to think about what other items would be beneficial to pack for your kids. Whether you plan to hike near the city or further away, make sure your vehicle has been fully inspected and schedule your next service appointment at Larry H. Miller Lexus Spokane to ensure a safe trip to and from your destination.